Megaphone Announcement

Today is a B Day

Reminder, to all 8th grade students to return their signed 9th grade registration forms to Mrs. Heffren by Friday, February 10th. 

Reminder, The Student Council will be selling Candy Grams for $1 each, every morning this week at the concession stand from 7:30 am to 8:00 am. 

Wednesday’s Student Council workers that are selling Candy Grams are: Kai McClusky, Kaylynn Williams, Katie Wideman, Terri Jo Wilton, Amelia Primas, and Morgyn Hutson. Please report to the concession stand at 7:30 am on Wednesday. 

Wednesday’s Student Council Workers to fill out candy grams after school: Jordyn Brown, Lori Podhorn, Hannah Gray. Please report to Mrs. Russell’s room after school on Wednesday. 

Spirit Wear is now on sale! Come by the office to get an order form to show you are proud to be a Shell!! Order forms and money are due this Wednesday.

The Game Club will meet tomorrow, February 8th in Ms. Witt’s room after school. 

Track Season is almost upon us. Practice starts Tuesday, February 28th. You must be registered with a current physical on file. Information is available from your homeroom teachers today. 

Reminder, Cell Phones should be turned off before putting them into your lockers. We have had many phones that are still turned on and continue to go off after being put into lockers, during school hours.