Bag of Groceries

Hello Shells!

Did you know that Roxana has a Shells Family Resource Center on campus? The Shells
Family Resource Center provides a variety of resources for students and their families. One of
these resources is the Shell Pantry. The Shell Pantry is stocked with foods such as cereal, milk,
yogurt, canned vegetables, frozen fruits and vegetables, and more.

If your family could benefit from additional food resources, please fill out the Shell Pantry
Inventory Form. You can choose the foods that you and your family will eat, and on Friday’s,
staff and students will get the food from the pantry for you and package it for you.


To ensure confidentiality, we will not ask your name. All we need is your school name (Roxana
Junior High School or Roxana High School) and your locker number. We will fill your requested
food order and have it ready for pick up Friday after school.

High School students will find their food bagged and labeled with their locker number ready for
pick up in the media center Friday after school.

Junior High School students will have their food put in their lockers between 1:30-2:40 on

Please only take the kinds of food you will actually use, so that we have plenty for everyone.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Suhre or the Shell Family Resource Center.
Thank you!

~Mrs. Suhre