Today is a B day
The Student Council will be selling Valentine’s Day Candy Grams every day next week in the morning from 7:30-8 by the Concession Stand for $1 each. You may purchase more than one if you would like, but we have limited supplies so get them while they last. The Candy Grams will include a note with a heart shaped milk chocolate pop attached to it. The note can be signed with the name of who it is from, signed Anonymous, or signed by your Secret Admirer. Candy Grams will be delivered on Monday, February 13th during Advisory. When purchasing a Candy Gram, there will be a line for each grade level, so please get in a single file line when purchasing with the Student Council Representative that is in your grade level. This is so we can keep the line moving quickly. There are signs by each homeroom classroom door with details also. Thank you!
6th grade students, RHS Cheer Team is hosting a Junior Cheer Camp on Saturday, February 11th from 10am - 12pm. If you are interested in attending, please stop by the Jr High Office to pick up a permission slip. Registration is open until the day of the event.
Spirit Wear is now on sale! Come by the office to get an order form to show you are proud to be a Shell!! Order forms and money are due by February 8th.
The concession workers for today are: Kai McClusky, Elizabeth Clouse, Maddie Dixon, Easton Johnson, and Amelia Primas. Please report to the concession stand at 3:30, or earlier if you have made prior arrangements with Mrs. Turner to do so. You will need to be picked up around 6:00.
Monday’s Student Council Workers for selling Candy Grams from 7:30-8:00am are: Bella Smith, Kaylynn Williams, Katie Wideman, Terri Jo Wilton, Kiera Perjak, and Ben Gehrs. Please report to the concession stand area at 7:30.
Monday’s Student Council Workers that are working after school on Candy Grams in Mrs. Russell’s Room are: Hannah Gray, Gabby Zimbelman, and Kassidy Schuyler.
Monday’s concession stand workers are: Bella Smith, Elizabeth Clouse, Ben Gehrs, Katie Wideman, and Jordyn Brown. Please report to the concession stand at 4:00 and you will need to be picked up around 6:30.