
Happy Birthday to Liam Morrow.

Happy School Social Worker Week to Mrs. Charlesworth. We are so grateful for all you do for us!

The Blue LIght Special for March is your choice of soda & candy for 250 points. The form has been emailed to all students. The form must be completed by the end of the day on Friday if you would like to buy the blue light special. 

Congratulations to 8th graders Kai Welborn & Troy Ayers who play for the EAWR JV Hockey Club on their win last night. They will be playing in the Championship series against Edwardsville. 

Tonight's composters are Regan Fischer and Makinzie Jansson.  Please report to Mrs. Russell's room after school, and you should be finished about 3:15.

If you are a current student council member, meaning a member that earned all 10 of your fall required points, please stop by Mrs. Russell's room today to pick up a permission slip for your first semester reward.  We will be going bowling next Wednesday, March 12th from 4:15-6:15, and your permission slips need to be turned in to Mrs. Russell ASAP.  If you are a 6th grader, Mrs. Russell will give them to you in class.

Just a reminder that there is a newspaper meeting today after school in Mrs. Jone’s room.

Pep club members, voting for the Shell Shocker Dollar closes today.  Be sure to vote.  The Shell Shocker Dollars will be available during Friday's advisory. 100 points for 1 Shell Shocker Dollar to be used at the Shell Shack or Concession stand during home meets and games.

Our RJHS Choir and Band students had a great day at IGSMA Solo and Ensemble contest Saturday! 

These choir students earned a Superior Rating on their vocal solos. This means they earned a perfect score out of 40 points! Emma Bickell, Phoenix Brady, Lenn Doolen, Brooke Pauley, Nova Shaw, Isaiah Walker, Sophia Coles, Norah Mattison

These choir students earned an Excellent rating, which means the judge they sang for gave them a score of 30-34 out of 35! Abby Mackelden, Kai Welborn, Kaylynn Williams, Brady Rahn, Sophia Dawdy

Robin McSpadden earned a Good rating, which is a 25-29!

Congratulations on all your hard work!

Students, Shell Shack will be open tomorrow. You will shop during your lunch period only. I know this is a change, but it will be like this for the rest of the year. 

Respect Week Announcement- Mia Oros and Peyton Cincoski 

We are in our Inclusive “Reputation” Era

Today, we are fully in our respect era and celebrating Respect Day! This day started as a day to help increase understanding about how our word choices affect other people. Today, we use it to celebrate respect, learn about each other, and support one another in meaningful friendships. We take the Inclusion Pledge together and promise to keep inclusion in the forefront of our minds. 

Inclusion Pledge- Students at RJHS pledge to look for the lonely, the isolated, the left out, the challenged and the bullied. We pledge to overcome the fear of difference and replace it with the power of inclusion! We chose to include!