
Happy Birthday to Carson Armstrong, Arabella Brandstatter, Jeffrey Moses and Chase Pride.

Jayda Buford is last week's Shell Shack drawing winner. Please report to Mrs. Power’s room on Thursday to pick out $5 worth of items! 

Congratulations to the band members who performed at the IGSMA State Contest this past weekend.  

Isaiah Walker won two excellent medals for his snare drum and mallet solos 

Savannah Cline, Kai Welborn, Tempi Roy won "excellent" medals for woodwind solos 

Falynn Doolen and Elizabeth Vazquez won "Superior" medals for their brass solos. Falynn Doolen, after earning a superior rating, played in the pit band for Shrek with high school and professional musicians.  

Mson Holbrook won a medal for alto saxophone solo.

Jr. High Shell Nation, please help me congratulate 6th grader, Xander Carstens as he placed 4th in the Vandalia Sectional and is headed to the IESA State Wrestling Finals in DeKalb, IL this weekend. He has definitely been putting in the work to bring home some hardware. Good luck Xander and way to represent Roxana Jr. High!

Tori Wood wrestled this weekend in the All Girls IKWF Sectional and placed 2nd. She will be headed to Peoria this weekend to compete in the IKWF Girls State Finals Tournament. We wish her all of the best as well. Great job and congratulations.

First track practice today.  Meet in the hallway of the entrance of  JH gym lockers.  Practice goes from 2:55-4:15.  You must be registered with a current physical on file.  Contact Coach Turner if you had trouble registering.

Pep club will be offering Shell Shocker dollars for sale on Fridays during advisory.  Shell Shocker dollars can be used for the Shell Shack and concessions during home track meets and football games. 100 points for one Shell Shocker dollar.

Pep club members, go to the Pep club Google Classroom and place your for vote for the dollar design today and tomorrow. Design created by Michael Keller and tweaked by librarian Mrs. Schulz.

Gum is banned while at school. Chewing gum creates extra cleaning work, so please refrain from using it on school grounds. Violations will result in consequences. Thank you for your cooperation with our new gum policy.

Students, Shell Shack will be open on Thursday but you may only shop during lunch. No one will be allowed to leave advisory classes to shop at Shell Shack. This is a permanent change. 

Respect Week Announcement- Morgan and Shelby Brannon, Maggie Oaster

Speak Now, Speak Up Era

Today, we celebrate day one of Respect Week 2025! We are in our Speak Now, Speak Up! Era learning about Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X affects 1 in 4,000 females and 1 in 8,000 males in the U.S., making it the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability. 

Fragile X affects people’s behavior and ability to learn and retain new information. About ⅓ of those with Fragile X also display signs and symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Today, how can you Speak No and Speak Up for your peers? When you see someone being inclusive, be sure to let them know you saw it. Send a note, text, smile or fill out a Make a Difference letting them know that you appreciate them and how they helped someone feel included. 

In Illinois there are five official Unified sports through Unified Champion Schools, bringing athletes with and without disabilities together. Those sports are: basketball, soccer, dance, track and field, and bass fishing.