
Happy Birthday to Kaylee Bertoletti, Shayli Stone and Ms. Wells.

There will be tutoring today. Ms. Eastman will be there.  

Shell Shack is open today. 6th grade MUST shop during lunch. 7th & 8th grade shops during advisory. You MUST have your own money to come shop. 

Book club will be meeting after school today in the library.

February newspapers are in the office.  Please stop by and pick up your copy to read.  The newspaper club appreciates your support.  

Gum is banned while at school. Chewing gum creates extra cleaning work, so please refrain from using it on school grounds. Violations will result in consequences. Thank you for your cooperation with our new gum policy. Mrs. Brannon has issued lunch detentions for first offense and after school detentions for the second offense. So far, it has been 7th grade girls only. Thank you to those who are following this rule. 

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