Happy Birthday to Sophia May.
There will be no tutoring tomorrow.
Shell Shack will be open tomorrow. As a reminder, all 6th graders must shop during their lunch. 7th & 8th graders will shop during advisory. You MUST have your OWN money to come shop.
There will be an audition meeting for the Junior High Musical today after school in the auditorium. The meeting will be over by 3:30. Please make arrangements for someone to pick you up at this time. If you are not able to make it to the meeting, you may pick up a copy of the audition packet from Mrs. Sasser or Miss Maggie on Thursday. Auditions will be held on Thursday, March 6th after school. Hope to see you there!
The cast of Shrek the Musical is so excited to perform for you on Thursday! To help cover production costs, we are asking for a $1 donation. Please turn in money to your homeroom teacher this week.
Reminder Pep Club meets today after school only for those working on a shirt or Pep club dollar design. Tasks to be completed prior to the meeting.
Book club will be meeting after school tomorrow. If you would like to attend book club, please meet in the library after school on Thursday.
There is still time to sign up for JFL Cheerleading. There is a meeting at 6pm tonight if you are interested in being a part of the JFL Cheer team. The meeting will meet in the commons at 6.