Happy Birthday today to Gia Gaona. Happy Birthday tomorrow to Kinlee Troxtell and Dylan Whedon.
Good luck to the Roxana-EAWR hockey team as they play in the 2nd game of the playoffs on Saturday.
Game Club will be after school today in Ms. Witt’s room.
Shell Shack will be open during advisory today for 7th & 8th grade and lunch for 6th grade. You MUST have money to come to shell shack.
Pep Club members, check google classroom. We have tasks to complete. We will meet Wednesday after school.
There will be an audition meeting for the Junior High Musical on Wednesday, February 26th after school. The meeting will be over by 3:30. Please make arrangements for someone to pick you up at this time. If you are not able to make it to the meeting, you may pick up a copy of the audition packet from Mrs. Sasser or Miss Maggie on Thursday. Auditions will be held on Thursday, March 6th after school. Hope to see you there!
Weekly Drawing-if your name is called, please come to the office to get your prize!
6th Grade-Zoey Mott, Auri Mitchell, Breanna Lowenstein, Trenten Hart
7th Grade-Elizabeth Vazquez, Lane Wideman, Emma Bickell, Beckham Mouser
8th Grade-Trevor Davis, Sophia May, Savannah Cline, Olivia Ward