
Happy Birthday tomorrow to Addison Roethe, Emma Roethe and Ariahna Smith. Happy Birthday Sunday to Leila Clark. Happy Birthday Monday to Elijah Manacop. 

We have no School Monday in honor of President’s Day. 

Seventh graders, if you have Mrs. Falloon for Chorus today, please bring your Chromebooks with you to class.

To help our custodial staff, gum is temporarily banned while at school. Chewing gum creates extra cleaning work, so please refrain from using it on school grounds. Violations will result in consequences. Thank you for your cooperation with our new gum policy.

Recording others, including staff, without permission on any device is a serious offense and strictly prohibited at RJHS. If you are caught filming or recording students or staff at school on any device, you will receive significant disciplinary consequences from the office. Again, thank you for your cooperation with this concern.

Weekly Drawing-if your name is called, please come to the office to get your prize!

6th Grade-Temperance Roy, Ashton Kinsey, Shawndrea Riggins, Blake Laux

7th  Grade-Gavin Powers, Autum Kramer, Meah Oros, Peyton Cincoski

8th Grade-Bella Smith, Tylor Dillon, Robert Kopp, Kaylynn Williams