

Happy Birthday today to Sebastian Louvier and Isiah Pennington. 

Anyone interested in playing Co-ed Club soccer there will be an informational meeting Wednesday during Advisory that you may attend.

Tonight's concession stand workers are:  Maesyn Pate, Carson Clark, Aubrie Friedrich, Sawyer Giberson, Emily Parker, and Brooke Pauley.  Please report to the concession stand at 3:30 and plan to be picked up at 6:00.  If you are not going home after school, report directly to Mrs. Russell's Room right after school.

Congratulations to the Cheer team who took 1st place in Small Division at the Coolidge Invitational on Saturday. 

Congratulations to the 7th Grade Boys Basketball team who won their 1st Regional Game on Saturday. They play their 2nd Regional game tomorrow at Auburn Jr. High. 

The wrestling teams had a great showing on Saturday at the Auburn Quad. Xander Carstens went 3 -0, Troy Sitze 3-0, Peyton Garrett 2-1, Gavin Powers 3-0, Brodee McClellan 3-0, Tori Wood 2-1, Mikey Hoffman 2-1, Greyson Faison 2-1, Wesley Clark 3-0, Kaiden Bennett 3 -0, Jaxson McBride 3-0. Also getting wins for the Shells were: Mason Rives, Jackson Higdon, Josh Edgar, Ben Pitchford, & Colt Doyle. Team scores for the day were: 

Roxana 84 NorthMac 6

Roxana 55 Auburn 32

Roxana 60 Unity (Tolono) 21

We wrestle tonight at Trimpe, teachers please dismiss the wrestlers at 2:30 to catch a bus at 2:40.  Let's go Shells!!

The girls Volleyball team have a home game today with 7th grade starting at 4:00. Students, if you are going to the game, you must leave and come back at game time. We hope to see a lot of you to support our team!