Happy Birthday today to Miss Marcuzzo, Wesley Clark and Ryleigh Edwards.
Students, coats are not allowed to be worn during the day. They MUST be put in your lockers after the bell has rung. Also, PLEASE make sure you are dressing appropriately for the weather. This building can be very cold at times and you need to make sure you have the proper layers of clothing on at all times.
As of today there are 15 days until Young Authors' books are due to the office. Thank you to those students who are working hard and being creative to finish your own original written works. Thank you, also, to the school staff who are supporting them and helping along the way. We look forward to seeing what you can do!
PEP Club meets today in Mrs. Turner's room from 2:45-3:30. We are working on wrestling, student council, and dance posters. Everyone is welcome to come out and help. Volleyball Posters were put on lockers yesterday. If any Volleyball Posters are missing or there are errors, let Mrs. Turner know. It will be fixed ASAP.
Tonight's concession stand workers are: Brooke Pauley, Michael Keller, Kai McClusky, and Kyndall Hubbard. Please report to the concession stand at 5:30 and plan to be picked up at 8:00. You will need to go home after school and return for the game since it is later in the evening.