Happy Birthday yesterday to Austin Elliott and today to Brady Cox.
Pep Club will be running concessions today for the 3:30 wrestling home meet against Collinsville. Workers meet in Mrs. Turner's room right after school.
Shell Shockers, check the PEP Club Google Classroom for plans to complete for Thursday's after school meeting in Mrs. Turner's room from 2:45-3:30. Everyone is always welcome.
Tomorrow's concession stand workers are: Brroke Pauley, Michael Keller, Kai McClusky, and Kyndall Hubbard. Please report to the concession stand at 5:30 and plan to be picked up at 8:00. You will need to go home after school and return for the game since it is later in the evening.
The winners of the scavenger hunt who will be getting a Pizza party soon are as follows:
6th Grade-Sawyer, Cam, JJ, Alan & Jesus
7th Grade-Chloe D., Mazie, Peyton C. & Amelia
8th Grade-Lenn, Bella S., Alan & Kaylynn