Happy Birthday to Nurse Minette.
We will have no tutoring today.
Tonight's concession stand workers are: Maesyn Pate, Carson Clark, Emily Parker, Autumn Sharp, Brooke Pauley, and Aubrie Friedrich. Please report to the concession stand at 3:30 and plan to be picked up at 6:00. If you do not plan to go home after school, if you are one of these workers, please report to Mrs. Russell's room.
Students, if you are planning on coming to an after school activity such as a volleyball or basketball game, you MUST leave the school building after school. You cannot stay in the building between when school is released and the games.
Students going on the house field trip will be released at 8:30am to the commons.
Shell Shack is open today. 6th grade will shop after they eat lunch. 7th & 8th grade will shop during advisory.
The Shells Wrestling team had another hard fought dual last night against Triad Middles School, falling short by a score of 27-78. Victories for the Shells were: Xander Carstens by forfeit, Jonathan Orban with a pin in the 2nd period, Wesley Clark winning by Decision 10-3, and Kaiden Bennett with a 2nd period pin. Great job to all! Our next meet will be Collinsville at RJHS on Wednesday with a start time of 4 pm. Come out and support your Shells Wrestling Team!