

Happy Birthday to Ms. Sido & Ms. Denisha. 

We will be having a hat day on Friday. For a donation of $1 or more, you can wear a hat for the day. All money raised will be going to help support Mrs. Guss and her family as they battle her daughter Rory’s cancer diagnosis. 

There will be no tutoring after school tomorrow. 

Talent Search students need to meet with Mrs. Griggs in the library during advisory today.

Game Club is tomorrow after school in Ms. Witt’s room.

The first Pep Club meeting of the year is this today in Mrs. Turner's room. We will be working on Volleyball and Student Council posters as well as planning for the Winter PEP assembly on Friday, Jan. 31.  Come join us.  Student Council members were sent a survey asking to choose a poster for their lockers.  If you don't choose by 2:45 today, Pep club will choose for you.

Please dismiss the wrestlers today @ 2 pm to change and catch the bus at 2:15. Coach Miles will send an email with the wrestlers who will be attending this morning. Good luck at your match today!

Our Jr. High boys basketball team have a home game against Triad today! 7th grade starts at 3:30pm. Come out and support the team!

Students, you must use the Jr. High Gym doors to enter the building in the morning. If you are found to be using the main doors, you will be issued a lunch detention.