Happy Birthday to Cassidy Gehrs and Dominic Taylor.
We want to congratulate Chief Cunningham on his last day today! We want to thank him for everything he has done for our school district and families. Congratulations on your retirement!
The 2nd Quarter House field trip to Atomic Pinball has been rescheduled for this Thursday, January 16th. Permission slips are due by today.
The Shells hosted Alton Middle School last night and fell to them by a score of 38 - 69. Our school should be proud of the Shells as they fought hard in each bout. Winning for the Shells were: Xander Carstens by forfeit, Mason Rives by a tech fall, Brodee McClellan with a pin, Greyson Faison by minor decision, and pins coming from Josh Edgar, Kaiden Bennett, and Jaxson McBride. The Shells will be traveling tomorrow to Triad for their next dual.
Students, please remember that it is cold outside. We want to make sure you are bundling up in the cold. Just covering your head and wearing an actual coat-Not a Hoodie-keeps warm air closer to your skin and slows down heat loss. Gloves and Scarves do the same and are very helpful. If you or someone you know needs a coat, hat or gloves, please come to the office today. Also, you are not to play or be in the snow.
Tonight's concession stand workers are: Maesyn Pate, Autumn Sharp, and Brooke Pauley. You will need to be here at 3:30 and plan to be picked up at 6:00. If you don't plan on going home after school, please come to Mrs. Russell's room right after school. Mrs. Russell is also looking for 3 more workers for tonight from Student Council. If you are a Student Council Member interested in working tonight, please email Mrs. Russell. Also, we have some other games listed in Google Classroom that still need to be filled.
All students that joined Student Council in the fall that didn't earn their fall points requirement have been removed from the Student Council Google Classroom, and individual emails have been sent to those students letting you know. Please check your email to see if you received one of those emails from Mrs. Russell. Information about our first semester celebration for those that earned their points will be sent out in the next few weeks. Thank you for all your hard work during the first semester!
Yearbook will meet today after school in Ms. Witt’s room.
Game Club is Thursday after school in Ms. Witt’s room.
The Zone Closed from 8:30-2:00 everyday. Please send students to the office if needed.
The 1st home Volleyball Game is today at 3:30. Come out to support the team!