Happy Birthday today to Zoey Mott. Happy Birthday from last Friday to Mrs. Eberlin, Mrs. Meneses and Autum Kramer and from Saturday to Lauren Kelley.
Congratulations to our Cheerleaders who placed 8th at ICCA over the weekend!
The 2nd Quarter House field trip to Atomic Pinball has been rescheduled for next Thursday, January 16th. Permission slips are due by tomorrow, Tuesday, January 14th.
Pep Club is working concessions today for the first home wrestling meet. Come out and cheer them on. Workers report to the concession stand right after school.
The first Pep Club meeting of the year is this Wednesday in Mrs. Turner's room. We will be working on Volleyball and Student Council posters as well as planning for the Winter PEP assembly on Friday, Jan. 31. Come join us.
Year book will meet tomorrow after school in Ms. Witt’s room.
Game Club is Thursday after school in Ms. Witt’s room.
This is just reminder that for those students participating in Young Authors writing, the books are due to (CENTRAL AND SOUTH) your classroom teachers (JUNIOR HIGH) the office on Friday, February 7th. If you need help with anything, Mrs. Bratten at Central Intermediate School or Mrs. Jones at the Junior High are available to help. We look forward to seeing your great work!
The Zone Closed from 8:30-2:00 everyday. Please send students to the office if needed.
The 1st home wrestling match is today at 3:30. Come watch our wrestlers.
Students, please remember that it is cold outside. We want to make sure you are bundling up in the cold. Just covering your head and wearing an actual coat-Not a Hoodie-keeps warm air closer to your skin and slows down heat loss. Gloves and Scarves do the same and are very helpful. If you or someone you know needs a coat, hat or gloves, please come to the office today. Also, you are not to play or be in the snow.