

Happy Birthday to Sydney Goodson.

Students, we only have 4 days left before break. Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday we will be dismissed at 1:40pm. 

On Friday, we will be having a whole house assembly. In order to participate in the house activities, you must wear your house color. 

Tonight's concession stand workers are:  Brooke Pauley, Maesyn Pate, Kaylynn Williams, Jayda Law, Gavin Snelling, and Allie Sinks.  Please report to the concession stand at 3:00 and plan to be picked up at 5:30.  Report to Mrs. Russell's room right after school if you don't plan to go home before being here at 3:00. 

Student Council Members, please check google classroom for upcoming concession stand opportunities to sign up for during the spring semester.  Thank you!

The last day to earn house points is Thursday. As of this morning, the current 2nd quarter house winners are:

6th Grade-Aroha

7th Grade-Jasiri-Eheys is only behind by 60 points!

8th Grade-Sakati