

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Revelle and Autumn Sharp. 

7th and 8th grade band will have rehearsal today, and Wednesday during the 2nd advisory. 8th-grade band members need to eat lunch during their advisory.

Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th grade volleyball players planning to attend the open gym tomorrow, December 10. Our open gym will now be held in the large gym from 3:00-4:30. Also, due to gym conflicts we have to cancel our open gym for Thursday December 12. Tryouts will begin on Monday December 16 and go through Thursday December 19. We hope to see you all there! If you have any questions feel free to email Coach Trask or Coach Ferguson.

Tri-City Winter Basketball Registration forms for 6th graders are in the office if you would like one. 

Holiday grams are on sale today during breakfast or advisory in Mrs. Powers room. They are $2 each and they will include a card/candy with a shell bracelet (gender neutral) or for $1 it will just include a card/candy. Send them to all your friends, teachers, admin, cafeteria ladies, etc!! Check or cash are accepted.