Volleyball open gyms are today and Thursday in High School Small Gym from 3:00-4:30. They are open to any 6th-8th grade girls interested in trying out.
Any 8th-grade boy who is interested in playing football next year should be dismissed from advisory at 1:35 today to attend a football meeting in the HS gym. After Coach DeVries dismisses you from that meeting, you will need to report back to the office for a pass to return to class.
Yearbook will meet today after school in Ms. Witt’s room.
Gameclub will meet on Thursday after school in Ms. Witt’s room but it will end at 3:20 this week.
Student Council T Shirt orders are due to Mrs. Russell by the end of the day today.
Any student council member wanting to wrap gifts for the Community Christmas this week Tuesday-Thursday need to report to Mrs. Russell's room immediately after school.
Tonight's concession stand workers are: Ben Millan, Jordyn Moxey, Brooke Pauley, Maesyn Pate, and Gavin Snelling. Please report to the concession stand at 3:00 and plan to be picked up at 5:30. If you don't plan to go home after school, report to Mrs. Russell's room.
The Young Authors program has begun. Young Authors is your opportunity to show us what creative writers you can be. There is an opportunity for students selected from our school to attend a special conference in April. If you are interested in participating, please stop by the office to get a packet with more information. If you have any questions or need help with ideas or editing, Lisa Bratten at Central School will be glad to help! You can email her.
Holiday grams are on sale today during breakfast or advisory in Mrs. Powers room. They are $2 each and they will include a card/candy with a shell bracelet (gender neutral) or for $1 it will just include a card/candy.Send them to all your friends, teachers, admin, cafeteria ladies, etc!! Check or cash are accepted.