

Happy Birthday Mrs. Powers and Emma Bickell.

No Band practice today or Wednesday this week during 8th hour. 

Join Mrs. Turner, Ms. Witt, and the PEP Club today for a walk through Rock Spring Park's Winter Wonderland and the Enchanted Forest to vote for our tree. Last year we won $100 for 3rd place. Bus leaves from the JH gym at 6pm and returns at 8pm. Permission slips available in the office, or from Mrs. Turner and Ms. Witt.

Volleyball open gyms this Tuesday and Thursday in High School Small Gym from 3:00-4:30.  Open to 6th-8th grade girls interested in trying out. 

Student Council Members, tshirt orders are due by the end of the day tomorrow.

Student Council Members, if you are planning on wrapping presents any day this week Monday-Thursday, please report to Mrs. Russell's room immediately after school.

Tomorrow's concession stand workers are:  Brooke Pauley, Maesyn Pate, Gavin Snelling, Lilly Compton, and Allie Sinks.  Please report to the concession stand at 3:00 and plan to be picked up at 5:30.  Report to Mrs. Russell's room after school if you don't plan on going home before working.

Art club will meet today in Mr. Stahlhut's room from 2:45- 3:45.

Yearbook will meet tomorrow after school in Ms. Witt’s room.

Gameclub will meet on Thursday after school in Ms. Witt’s room but it will end at 3:20 this week.

Mrs. Powers class will be selling holiday grams.   We will sell them for $2 each and they will include this card/candy with a shell bracelet (gender neutral) or for $1 it will just include this card/candy. These will be sold from December 3-12 and delivered on December 17/18th during advisory time. Send them to all your friends, teachers, admin, cafeteria ladies, etc!! Check or cash are accepted. A form will need to be filled out for each order. Students can purchase these during breakfast in the cafeteria or at shell shack on Thursdays. Any questions please email