8th grade band students need to eat during 1st lunch today. All 7th & 8th grade band students need to report to band today during 8th period from 12:47-1:17.
Students, please look through the lost & found. Any items left when we go on Fall Break will be donated.
Talent Search will be meeting with Mrs. Griggs today in the library during advisories today.
The newspaper staff would like to thank all of you for answering the poll questions each month. Mrs. Jones sent out the December questions on Friday. Please take some time in advisory today or tomorrow and complete the questions. Thank you all again for supporting the newspaper. And, don't forget the November edition is in the junior high office for you to grab and read.
Art club meeting today 2:40-3:30
The PEP Club is traveling to Rock Springs Park today to decorate a tree in their Enchanted Forest for a chance to win $300 for 1st place. The bus leaves at 3:00pm today. Meet in Mrs. Turner’s Room right after school.
Join us next Monday, Dec. 2 for a walk through Rock Spring Park's Winter Wonderland and the Enchanted Forest to vote for our tree. Bus leaves from the JH gym at 6pm and returns at 8. Permission slips available from the office, Mrs. Turner, and Ms. Witt.
Congratulations to these students who participated in the ILMEA District 6 Junior Choirs this weekend:
Brooke Pauley
Phoenix Brady
Tylor Dillon
Isaiah Walker
Kai Welorn
Ellie Bickell
Brady Rahn
And, congratulations to Elizabeth Vazquez for performing with the ILMEA District 6 band this weekend!