Happy Birthday to Josh Edger.
Happy Birthday tomorrow to Laney Zeisset.
8th grade band students need to eat during 1st lunch today. All 7th & 8th grade band students need to report to band today during 8th period from 12:47-1:17.
Monday, November 25, the PEP club is again traveling to Rock Spring Park in Alton from 3-5 to decorate a Christmas tree. Last year, our tree won a $100 3rd place prize. Permission slips available from Mrs. Turner. Everyone is welcome.
Students, please look through the lost & found. Any items left when we go on Fall Break will be donated.
Volleyball open gyms will be held on 12/3 and 12/5 in the High School Small Gym from 3:00-4:30 for any 6th-8th grade girl interested in trying out for the Junior High team. More information about tryouts will be given at open gyms.
Student Council T Shirt orders are due by Tuesday, December 3rd to Mrs. Russell. If you are a student council member and would like an order form, please see Mrs. Russell.
Wrapping paper and tape donations from student council members to earn points are due before we leave for Thanksgiving Break.
Reminder that the dance is tonight from 6:30-8:30 in the Junior High Gym. Please enter through the junior high gym doors when arriving. Cost is $5. When you receive your two tickets for your two concession items, please write your first and last name on each ticket before giving them to the concession stand worker. There will be writing utensils on the counter at the concession stand. These tickets will be used for random drawings for prizes throughout the evening. The restrooms used for the dance will be the ones in the hallway by the concession stand. No one will be allowed in the locker room for any reason and no one will be allowed to return to the classroom hallways so please plan accordingly.
If you are a student council member that is decorating for the dance, please enter the junior high gym entrance at 5:30.
Weekly Drawing-if your name is called, please come to the office to get your prize!
6th-Emily Parker, Dade Mellenthin, Liam Cincoski, Emma Phillips
7th-Damarion Savage, Cam Dugan, Ethan Grant, Kamperon Depew
8th-Isiah Pennington, Brody Morris, Maesyn Pate, Hunter Cummings
House Point Update-Current 2nd Quarter winners are as follows:
6th Grade-Aroha
7th Grade-Eheys
8th Grade-Sakati
The current overall winner is Aroha.