

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Turner.

Remember to wear your house shirt tomorrow to earn house points!

8th grade band students need to eat during 1st lunch today. All 7th & 8th grade band students need to report to band today during 8th period from 12:47-1:17.

Students, please look through the lost & found. Any items left when we go on Fall Break will be donated. 

There will be a Yearbook club after school today in Ms. Witt’s room.    

Game Club will be tomorrow after school in Ms. Witt’s room.

Newspaper will be meeting tomorrow after school in Mrs. Jones' room.

Monday, November 25, the PEP club is again traveling to Rock Spring Park in Alton from 3-5 to decorate a Christmas tree. Last year, our tree won a $100 3rd place prize.  Permission slips available from Mrs. Turner.  Everyone is welcome.

Attention students who are interested in joining wrestling. Due to the change in the state tournament series being earlier this year, they are allowing us to start practice earlier than was announced. With that being said, we will start practice on Thursday, November 21st at 3:00 in the JH wrestling room. We are excited to get things rolling this year and hope you are as well. If you are unsure about wrestling, give us a chance until Thanksgiving break. All you need is a clean t-shirt, shorts, and socks. We can talk about the rest later if you decide that you like it. Practice will run from 3 - 4:30 every day after school. If you have any questions, stop by on Thursday and we will be glad to answer them.

November's edition of the Shellograph is in the office.  Please stop by to get your copy.  This month there is a picture on the front cover of a few teachers that you might want to see!  The poll results are also in and the information is in the newspaper.  Don't forget, we need your funny picture to write about.  Please submit those to Mrs. Jones.  The December poll questions will be out soon.

Attention all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls! If you are interested in trying out for volleyball there will be open gyms starting December 2nd in the small gym in the high school from 3:00-5:00. We hope to see you all there. If you have any questions feel free to stop and ask Coach Trask when you see her or send her an email.