Students, please look through the lost & found. Any items left when we go on Fall Break will be donated.
There will be Yearbook club after school tomorrow in Ms. Witt’s room.
Game Club will be Thursday after school in Ms. Witt’s room.
Newspaper will be meeting on Thursday after school in Mrs. Jones room.
Reminder that the Junior High Dance is this Friday, November 22nd from 6:30-8:30 in the junior high gym. Cost is $5. Signs are hanging near classrooms with details.
Community Christmas Shopping is this Thursday, November 21st. We will be loading the bus at the Commons entrance at 4:00 and will return around 7:00. Students involved in that are: Jordyn Moxey, Jack Higdon, Peyton Stuller, Kloee Savage, Nadia Foley, Emily Oliver, Lori Podhron, Bella Smith, Emmie Lewis, and Jayda Law. Nadia Foley, Jayda Law, Lori Podhorn, and Emmie Lewis need to get permission slips to Mrs. Russell by tomorrow at the beginning of school, or you will be replaced with a different student council member for shopping.
Student Council Members: Option #1 was the T-shirt design chosen by most. If you would like to purchase a shirt, please stop by Mrs. Russell's room to get an order form. Forms and money are due by Tuesday, December 3rd.
Attention students who are interested in joining wrestling. Due to the change in the state tournament series being earlier this year, they are allowing us to start practice earlier than was announced. With that being said, we will start practice on Thursday, November 21st at 3:00 in the JH wrestling room. We are excited to get things rolling this year and hope you are as well. If you are unsure about wrestling, give us a chance until Thanksgiving break. All you need is a clean t-shirt, shorts, and socks. We can talk about the rest later if you decide that you like it. Practice will run from 3 - 4:30 every day after school. If you have any questions, stop by on Thursday and we will be glad to answer them.