Happy Birthday to Kimara Anderson, Natalie Ha, Adison Masella and Matthew Tindall.
Next week's newspaper meeting has been moved to Thursday, November 21st.
Yearbook Club we will meet Monday and Wednesday next week to go over assignments.
Big shout out of thanks to all the Pep club members that were able to help out yesterday They delivered Boys' BB, Newspaper, ILMEA, and Art Club locker posters. If yours is missing or your name is misspelled, let Mrs. Turner know and she will correct it.
1st home game for the Boys' Basketball is today at 4:00pm. Come out and support the team. Students get in free.
Tonight's concession stand workers are: Brooke Pauley, Maesyn Pate, Jayda Law, Lori Podhorn, Kaylynn Williams, and Gavin Snelling. Please report to the concession stand at 3:30, and plan to be picked up at 6:30.
Student Council Members, to earn some of your fall point requirements, you may bring in wrapping paper or scotch tape for the Community Christmas. For every roll of tape and/or roll of wrapping paper you turn in to Mrs. Russell, you will earn one point. The deadline to turn in those items is Tuesday, November 26th.
Don't forget that the Junior High Dance is Friday, November 22nd from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Junior High Gym. All students will have to go home after school, and return to the dance at 6:30, unless you are a student council member that is helping decorate. If you are a member that is signed up to decorate, you will have to go home after school as well, and return at the gym entrance at 5:30. Cost is $5 and you will receive two tickets when you pay your $5 to exchange for two concession stand items. Additional items may be purchased at the concession stand. There will be pens on the concession stand counter for you to write your first and last names on the two tickets before turning them in for your concession items. Those tickets will be used for some prize drawings throughout the evening. Please enter the dance through the Junior High Gym Entrance. When the dance is finished, all students being picked up will sit in the bleachers until your ride has arrived, and then a staff member will call for you to get out of the bleachers and exit the building. If you plan to walk home, you need to have a note from your parent or guardian stating that you are given permission to walk home. Those notes should be brought with you to the dance, and given to the adult taking tickets that evening. Signs are located outside classroom doors with other details.
If you are one of the 10 Student Council Members that will be shopping next Thursday for the Community Christmas, please bring Mrs. Russell your permission slip as soon as possible.