

Happy Birthday today to Kai McClusky. 

Happy Birthday tomorrow to Austin Coleman.

PEP Club meeting today after school. Agenda and goals for the meeting have been emailed and posted in the Shell Shocker Google Classroom.  All are welcome.  Contact Mrs. Turner if you'd like to be added to the list.

Student Council meeting is today after school until 3:30 in Mrs. Russell’s room.

For Thursday's Student Appreciation, students will be competing against the staff in dodgeball.  Please come to the gym this Thursday with a team of 15 players to compete against the adults.  The players on your team must be in the same grade.

Students, as it starts to get cold please make sure you wear an appropriate amount of layers so that you are comfortable in the hallways and classrooms. Coats must stay in lockers, and we do not bring blankets to school.  Keep all blankets at home. Teachers, if you see students with coats or blankets, please remind them of the expectations. need to grab all materials for both of your specials classes. You should not be stopping at your lockers between specials.  Staff, if you see a student opening a locker during their specials block, please send that student to the office with a quick email as to why.  Thank you!