Students, if your locker is found to have a pencil in the lock to keep it open, you will be given a lunch detention. Lockers must be locked and closed.
Staff and students, please get all your names and addresses of Veterans you would like Student Council to send cards to, to Mrs. Russell by the end of the day today.
Student Council Members, please submit all tshirt ideas to Mrs. Russell by the end of the day today.
Congratulations to our Red Ribbon Week Coloring Contest Winners:
In 6th grade: Reagan DeVries
In 7th grade: Co-winners: Elizabeth Vazques and Allie Sinks
In 8th grade: Kaylynn Williams
Please come to Mrs. Russell's room to claim your prize!
There is a Student Council Meeting this Monday, Nov. 4th after school in Mrs. Russell's room. It will be finished at 3:30.
Weekly Winners
6th-Liam Bloodworth, Alexandria Clemens, Destinee Hudson, Camden Farrell
7th-Anabel Leach, Skylah Floyd, Liam Broadfoot, Morgan Kuhn
8th-Mariah McDaniel, Wesley Clark, Kaylynn Walsh, Lillian Compton