154 items were donated for Day 2 of Pack the Police Car! Keep bringing those items in! The food drive goes through Friday! The leaders after Day 2 are: 6th-Mrs. Witt with Mrs. Russell close behind, 7th-Mr. Edwards with Mrs. Meeks close behind, 8th-Mrs. Heffren with Mr. Stark only 1 item behind
Roxana High School Thespian Troupe 556 is pleased to invite all students and staff to a special dress rehearsal of "Lagooned" tomorrow, October 31st. As in the past, we are requesting $1 from students. Please turn this into your homeroom teacher. The high school students have worked very hard on this production and are excited to host you as their first test audience. Please be aware that this is a true dress rehearsal and we are still "fine-tuning" things such as lighting and sound. Thank you ahead of time for your patience and understanding.
Students, the hallway behavior between specials is not ok. We have students getting in lockers, yelling and being very disrespectful. Students who are found to be in their lockers between specials or being disruptive in the halls will be given lunch detentions at the least. Needing to get your computer or shoes for PE is not a reason to be in your locker. They need to be taken with you to your 1st special. This has been communicated to you since the first day of school.
Thank you for all the participating in Red Ribbon Week activities. An announcement will be made of the Red Ribbon Week Coloring Contest Winners after judging has been completed.
Student Council Members that are participating in tonight's photo contest, please report to Mrs. Russell's room by 3:00 after changing into your favorite movie character costume.
There will be a student council meeting on Monday, November 4th after school in Mrs. Russell's room. It will be finished at 3:30.
Mark your calendars. There will be a junior high dance on Friday, November 22nd in the junior high gym from 6:30-8:30 p.m. More details will be released after our Student Council Meeting on Monday, Nov. 4th.
Game club will be after school today, in Ms. Witt’s room.