Happy Birthday to Jordin Akileh, Kaylee Kane, Chloe Peacher and Cooper Riedisser.
Permissions slips for the pumpkin patch will go home today and MUST be returned no later than Wednesday! You will go to the Pumpkin Patch on Thursday!
We are excited to announce our upcoming Canned Food Drive, starting next Monday the 28th. RJHS will attempt to pack a police car full of canned goods and non-perishable items! Bring in non-perishable canned goods to your homeroom. 10 House Points will be given out every day that you donate! Each class will have a collection box—the grade level homeroom that collects the most by the end of the week will have a PIZZA PARTY! What to Donate: canned vegetables, canned soups, canned fruit, canned proteins (tuna, beans, etc.) Any other non-perishable items- lotions, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant etc.. Let’s work together to fill that police car and show how much our school cares!
Reminder that there is a Student Council Meeting after school today until 3:30
Candles are in!!! Students, please pick them up after school Wednesday to deliver to your customers. Thank you for your diligence in selling. Contact Ms. Witt if you need to arrange a different pick up time.
Yearbook staff please stay after school to sort candles on Tuesday.
Dezirae Thompson won the gift card for the Rebecca Caudill program! You can pick up your gift card in the library any time.
On Halloween, we will be having a costume contest. Costumes must meet school dress code, no masks may be worn, and no fake blood. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
This week is National Principal Appreciation Week! We want to thank Mr. Oestreich & Mrs. Brannon for everything they do for us. Each day this week I will be announcing reasons why students think our Principals are amazing! Today’s student said they think Mr. Oestreich is great because he is funny and they think Mrs. Brannon is great because she always has a good attitude and a smile on her face! Please email me if you have any reasons why our Principals are AMAZING!