

Happy Birthday tomorrow to Peyton Cincoski and Hunter Cummings.

Today is the end of the 1st Quarter!

There will be a student council meeting Monday after school.  It will be finished at 3:30.

Midweek next week, we will begin celebrating Red Ribbon Week.  Red Ribbon Week begins on Wednesday, October 23rd.  Starting on Thursday, October 24th, and going through Wednesday, October 30th, we will have dress up days to recognize Red Ribbon Week.  On Thursday, Oct. 24th, or dress up day will be Twin or Triplet Day.  Dress as twins or triplets with someone because we are stronger in numbers.  Signs will be placed around the building next Monday advertising the other dress up days, and Mrs. Russell will also be sharing a document with you with the days on it, so you can plan accordingly.

Blue Light Specials for Phone and Park Time will be sold today! Next Friday you will get to go to the park during your advisory and take your phone if you buy the Blue Light Special for 250 points. 

House Shopping is also today. 

Arrr, mateys! As National School Lunch Week sails to an end, we will be raisin’ our lunch trays high!  We’ve had a treasure-filled week of tasty meals and adventure here at Roxana Junior High, and the journey doesn’t stop here! Our school meals will keep fuelin’ yer little pirates all year long with fresh, nutritious treasures from the galley. So let’s keep settin’ sail for healthy choices every day, savvy?   

Today the Commons cafe will feature

Pirate Plank Dog

Island Tater Tots with Cheese

Cutlass Carrots

Fruity Cannonballs

Weekly House Winners

Today’s weekly house winners are the students in each grade and each house who earned the most points for the 1st quarter!

6th Grade-Temperance Roy, Reagan Devries, Brady Cox, Norah Mattison

7th Grade-Elizabeth Vazquez, Tied in the house of Eheys is Kenny Nguyen & Isaiah Walker, Michael Knight, Logan Hosford

8th Grade-Tori Wood, Kassidy Schuyler, Kai McClusky, EB Rushing

Congrats to the House Winners for the 1st Quarter!

In 6th grade, Aroha is the winner

In 7th grade, Jasiri is the winner

In 8th grade, Sakati is the winner

Congratulations! You will be getting permission slips in your homeroom and they are due by Tuesday.