Wear your house shirt tomorrow to earn house points!
Tomorrow's concession stand workers are: Brooke Pauley, Kayleee Bertoletti, Maesyn Pate, Michael Keller, Gavin Snelling, and Lilly Compton. Please report to the concession stand at 3:00. If you are not going home after school until 3:00, please report to Mrs. Russell's room right after school is dismissed. You will need to be picked up at 5:30. Thank you!
Cross Country athletes our yearbook photo will be taken today after school. Please dress in your uniform, then meet in Coach Eberlin ‘s classroom by 3 o’clock. After our photo today, you must turn in your uniform to coach Eberlin. We will have practice after pictures for our state qualifying athletes.
Student Council Members, please check your google classroom. There was a google form that was sent to you. Please complete this google form by your lunch time tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 17th. The sooner you complete it, the better! Thank you!
There will be a student council meeting Monday, Oct. 21st after school in Mrs. Russell's room. The meeting will be over at 3:30.
Congratulations to our RJHS Students who qualified by audition for the ILMEA District Honor Band and Choirs!
Junior Band: Elizabeth Vazquez
Junior Treble Chorus: Emma Bickell, Brady Rahn, Kai Welborn
Junior Mixed Chorus: Phoenix Brady, Tylor Dillon, Brooke Pauley, Isaiah Walker
This is a huge honor, and we know you will represent Roxana well at the concert on November 23rd!
Arrgh! A pirate’s diet in the 1700s was far less glamorous than the swashbuckling feasts imagined in popular culture. Despite the romanticized image of Caribbean pirates, their actual meals were quite grim and practical, dictated by the harsh realities of sea life. Pirates mostly consumed non-perishables, like hardtack (a dry, long-lasting biscuit) and salted meats, which were necessary for long voyages but far from appetizing. They frequently consumed sea turtles and kept livestock like chickens and goats on board for eggs, milk and meat.
But no worries, we got a way more nutritious and tasty meal for you today.
Pirate's Plunder Pasta with Garlic Planks
Jolly Caesar Salad
Tropical Fruit Doubloons