Happy Birthday to Noah Kamp and Ayden Trail.
The Homecoming Parade is tonight. If you plan to walk in the parade with your House, you must arrive by 3:45 and 4:15 with your House shirt on. If you can’t get a ride back to the school, you can report to the Commons at 2:40 and wait. If you come without your House shirt you cannot walk in the parade. Candy should not be tossed until we exit Park Drive and turn on to Chaffer Avenue. Candy should be tossed underhand only. Check-in with Mr. Oestreich when you arrive on Thursday.
Picture retake day is today. If you have not had your picture taken, please get it taken. Also if you do not want the picture from your ID in the yearbook get a new picture today. We will be calling you down by grade once they are set up and ready. They will be taken in the auditorium.
Candle order forms with money are due no later than tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 27 to Ms. Witt. Late order forms will not be accepted.
Any student council member that turned in their permission slip to walk in the parade, the time for the parade has changed. You will need to line up at the area we discussed with your permission slip between 3:45-4:15. The parade will begin at 4:30, and you will need to be picked up at approximately 5:30. Thank you!
Big shout out to Mason Holbrook, Kai McClusky, Danica Hansen, Olive Ayer, Olivia Ward, And Autumn Sharp. They are responsible for ALL the activity posters on the lockers, be sure to thank them. Yearbook, Newspaper, Band, and softball posters coming soon. If your poster is missing or your name is spelled incorrectly, let Mrs. Turner know. She will fix it.