

Don’t forget to wear your house shirt tomorrow to earn house points!

The Homecoming Parade is tomorrow. If you plan to walk in the parade with your House, you must arrive between 5 and 5:15 with your House shirt on.  If you come without your House shirt you cannot walk in the parade. We will line up at the back of the JH. Candy should not be tossed until we exit Park Drive and turn on to Chaffer Avenue. Candy should be tossed underhand only. Check-in with Mr. Oestreich when you arrive Thursday evening.

Picture retake day is tomorrow. If you have not had your picture taken, please get it taken. Also if you do not want the picture from your ID in the yearbook, get a retake on that day.

All Student Council Permission Slips to walk in the parade need to be turned in to Mrs. Russell by the end of the day today.

Candle order forms with money are due no later than Friday, Sept. 27 to Ms. Witt. Late order forms will not be accepted.  

Reminder: There is a PEP club meeting today after school in Mrs. Turner's room until 3:45. We will continue work on the locker posters and prepare for Friday's PEP assembly.