

Happy Birthday to Daniel Chambers.

SIP Day 

Book Club will meet tomorrow after school in the library.

Reminder: A PEP club meeting is scheduled for tomorrow after school in Mrs. Turner's room.  An email was sent outlining the meeting goals.  Everyone is welcome to attend. Contact Mrs. Turner if you'd like to be added to the PEP Club email list.

If you plan to walk in the Homecoming Parade with Student Council please pick up a permission slip from Mrs. Russell. There is a Student Council Officers Meeting this Thursday in Mrs. Russell's room after school.  This is for officers only.  Please plan to attend.  It will be finished at 3:30. There will be a student council meeting for all members on Monday, Sept. 23rd after school in Mrs. Russell's Room.  It will be finished at 3:30.

Retakes for pictures will be Thursday Sept. 26.  If you did not have your picture taken at the beginning of the year please get your picture taken on this day.  Also if you do not want the picture from your ID in the yearbook get a retake on that day.

Candle order forms with money are due on Friday, Sept. 27.  Ms. Witt will not take them after Friday Sept. 27.  You may turn in order forms anytime between now and Friday the 27th.