

Happy Birthday to Emily Green.

Teachers, if you would like your recycling bin emptied, please place it outside your door in the hallway by 2:40 today and it will be emptied and it will be returned back in the same place.

Attention Cross Country athletes, We have a meet today at Triad high school. Teachers, please allow the Cross Country athletes to leave class at 2:10 to get ready for their meet.  Our bus will leave promptly at 2:20. Athletes when you were dismissed from class, promptly change into your uniform and meet in the commons ASAP. 

Students and Staff, if you want to participate in the Homecoming Parade for our House system on Thursday, September 26th, please check your email and complete the form Miss Maggie sent out. We need responses as soon as possible so we make sure we have an accurate count. 

Teachers, if you were not able to sell blue light specials on Friday, please do so today. Also, please turn in your blue light specials if you haven’t.

If you have anything that needs to be turned into the nurse please be sure to turn it in.