

Happy Birthday today to Channing Hoxsey and David Wilfong. 

Happy Birthday Sunday to Tyler Hill.

Yearbook club will meet Monday after school in Ms. Witt’s room. 

Game club will meet Wednesday next week after school in Ms. Witt’s room. 

Attention Cross Country Athletes, We have a meet today at Granite City. Our bus will leave promptly at 2:15. You will be dismissed at 2:00. Quickly get changed and meet in the Commons ready to run. Athletes speak with your teacher(s) regarding any assignments you may miss. Coach Eberlin will email the list of athletes attending the meet. 

Today is House Shopping Day!

Weekly House Winners

6th-Mileena Morak, Alyse Cope, Trevor Morckel, Gia Gaona

7th-Olivia Huff, Dylan Whedon, Dillon Springer, Cheyenne Tuck

8th-Isaiah Silveus, Madisyn Carlisle, Ra’Nyla Griffin, Kimara Anderson

Please come to the office now to get your prize!