Happy Birthday to Ra’Nyla Griffen.
There will be a newspaper meeting in room #26 Wednesday, September 4th from 2:45-3:20. If you plan to be part of the newspaper this year, you need to attend. Email or see Mrs. Jones for more information.
All Student Council Signature pages to join student council, as well as officer applications are due to Mrs. Russell by Wednesday, September 4th. You must meet this deadline in order to join. Thank you!
Attention cross country athletes: We have a meet today in Carlinville, our bus will leave promptly at 2:30. When you are dismissed, get changed immediately and meet in the Commons ready to run. Teachers, Please dismiss the cross country athletes at 2:20. Coach Eberlin will send an email listing the athletes who are running in today’s meet. If your name is not on the list, you will not need to be dismissed early from class.
Students, please remember when in the hallway between classes and after lunch we are still using a voice level of 1. There should not be any yelling or screaming. The hallways have been extremely loud and we need to be more aware of our voice level.
Good luck to the Cross Country team on their meet in Carlinville and to the Baseball and Softball teams who both have home games at 4:00pm today!