
B Day

Tonight's concession stand workers are:  Allie Sinks, Terri Jo Wilton, Bella Smith, Brooke Pauley, Michael Keller, and Eddie Beth Rushing.  Please report to the concession stand at 3:00 and plan to be picked up at 5:30.  You may bring something to Mrs. Russell's Room to work on until 3:00.

To try to accommodate schedules, based on the Google form sent to Student Council members, the Student Council Meeting that was scheduled for this Wednesday, February 21st, has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, February 28th after school in Mrs. Russell's Room.

There is no yearbook club this week. 

Game club will be Thursday after school in Ms. Witt’s room. 

Attention Wonka-teers: If you are interested in participating in the Spring Musical, "Willy Wonka Jr", you will need to attend an informational meeting next Wednesday, February 21st in the auditorium right after school. At the meeting, you  will receive important  information about the show and the  audition packet. You must have an audition packet in order to try out for the show. The meeting will end at 3:30. Make sure you arrange transportation to pick you up at that time. . If you cannot attend the meeting, you will need to pick up an audition packet from Mr. Stark on Thursday, February 22nd. No audition packets will be passed out before the meeting. Any questions, please see Mr. Stark.