2023 Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days
Monday, October 23rd: Super Hero Day: Dress as your favorite superhero. We have the power to not do drugs
Tuesday, October 24th: Pajama Day: Put drugs to rest.
Wednesday, October 25th: Camo Day: Drugs cannot find us.
Thursday, October 26th: Sports/Team Day: Wear your favorite sports or team attire. We team up against drugs.
Friday, October 27th: Mix-n-Match Days: Mix and match socks, mix and match accessories, pattern on pattern clothing, etc. Drugs are no match for us. Don’t let them mix us up.
Monday, October 30th: Decades Day: Choose a decade other than the current of your choice and dress accordingly. A drug-free lifestyle is timeless.
Tuesday, October 31st: Twin Day: If you twin, you win the fight against drugs.