
B Day

Happy Belated Birthday from Wednesday to Rylan Horton.

Happy birthday to Amelia Clouse and Troy Sitze.

Emily Green will be celebrating a birthday on Saturday.  Happy early birthday, Emily.

Abigail Mackelden will be celebrating a birthday on Sunday.  Happy early birthday, Abigail.

This is a reminder that Brooke Pauley, you are signed up to help do concession stand clean up on Monday after school.  Please come to Mrs. Russell's room right after school on Monday.  Student Council could use a little more help with clean up.  If you are a member and willing to help out Monday, please send Mrs. Russell an email.

Tuesday's concession stand workers are Michael Keller, Brooke Pauley, Kaylynn Williams, Autymn Sharp, Luella Hackler, and Aeriana Carveiro.  Please report to  the concession stand at the junior high gym at 3:30.  You will need to be picked up at 6:00.  If you need to go to Mrs. Russell's room after school instead of going home, please bring something to her room to work on until 3:30.  Thank you!

Congratulations to our RJHS cross country team, you placed 3rd in the 2023 Homecoming Parade float contest!  We are like dynamite, small but mighty!  It is a great feat for a junior high club or team to earn a top place in the float contest. Coach Eberlin is extremely grateful to have such a dedicated group of athletes.  

The Lost & Found has been moved to outside of the gym. If you have any missing items, please check the lost & found.

Students, the noise level during passing periods is getting out of control. Especially when you are finished with lunch, recess, or specials. You need to be respectful of other classrooms and remember the hallway expectations.  

The 1st Blue Light Special is for sale today during advisory. For 25 points each, you may purchase a popsicle. You may purchase no more than 2 popsicles. You will receive your popsicles next Friday during lunch. 

Today we will have a Pep Assembly to recognize our coaches and athletes for fall sports.  We will use the Assembly Schedule in the JH Shared drive in the schedules folder.  After the 2nd lunch, all students will be dismissed to their homerooms to dock their laptops and prepare for the assembly.  If the assembly ends early, we will have students return to their homerooms to finish the day.  We are excited about recognizing our fall athletes!

House Drawing!

6th grade- Aroha Lazorria McDaniel, Eheys Andrew Godwin, Jasiri Callie Swiecicki, Sakati Morgan Kuhn

7th grade- Aroha Bentley Shoemaker, Eheys Landon Belden, Jasiri Derrin Wilfong, Sakati Olivia Ward

8th- Aroha Tyler Piotrowski, Eheys Abbie Kesler, Jasiri Danyka Moxey, Sakati Justin Dean