A Day
Happy Birthday to Robby Mayberry, Angel Santiago, and Katie Tompkins.
This is a reminder for all Student Council Students that turned in their parade permission slip by yesterday. We will be meeting outside behind the junior high gym tonight between 5:00-5:45. The parade will start promptly at 6:00, so please make sure you are there by 5:45 and check in with Mrs. Russell to let her know you are here, so you earn your Student Council Participation Points.
Teachers, this is a reminder that on Friday at the end of the day, we will have a Pep Assembly to recognize our coaches and athletes. We will use the Assembly Schedule in the JH Shared drive in the schedules folder. After the 2nd lunch, all students will be dismissed to their homerooms to dock their laptops and prepare for the assembly. If the assembly ends early, we will have students return to their homerooms to finish the day. We are excited about recognizing our fall athletes!