A Day
Happy Birthday to Tyler Hill today.
On Saturday, Jessika Manda and Alex Mertz will be celebrating birthdays. We hope you have a great day.
Student Council permission slips and officer applications are due by the end of the day today. Please make sure you turn those into Mrs. Russell.
There will be a student council meeting after school on Monday, September 11th. It will be in Mrs. Russell's room from 2:45-3:30. We will be discussing the homecoming parade so please plan to attend if you have turned in your student council permission slip. You will have to have your own transportation home at 3:30.
There will be an important yearbook meeting Monday after school in Ms. Witt’s room to get information on the parade and receive a permission slip.
Students, when using our lockers make sure backpacks, jackets and coats are on the back hook and your backpack is zipped. Your locker should be organized so that items do not stick out past the front door. Many times maintenance needs to help open a locker that is jammed because your things are sticking out too far and have caused the jam. Teachers, please help our students and maintenance staff with this issue.
JFL Football Games tomorrow at home vs. Bethalto-7th Grade plays at 10:00am and 8th Grade plays at 12:00pm