
A Day

Happy Belated Birthday to Ms. Gausman and Conner Price.  We hope you had a great birthday yesterday.  

Students, in order to go to the Nurse’s office, you must have a pass. You are not allowed to come without a pass or during passing period unless you have a pass.

Just a reminder that we have a newspaper club meeting today after school in Mrs. Jones room (room #26). We will be finished at 3:30 and you will need your own transportation home as the activity buses have not started yet.

Student Council permission slips and officer applications are due by Friday, September 8th to Mrs. Russell.  

Game Club will meet after school on Thursday in Ms. Witt's room.  

PEP Club meets tomorrow! Room 225 Thursday afterschool 2:45-3:30 with Mrs. Turner. Everyone is welcome. Let's spread some school spirit. Make sure you secure a ride home. A PEP Club Google form will be sent to be filled out during advisory. 5 House points to anyone filling it out.

If you want to get a FREE Yearbook you can join the candle Fundraiser to earn one.  Just sell 4 candles and turn in the money and order forms to Mrs. Witt by Sept 27.  The forms will be in your Social Studies teacher's room for 7th and 8th grade.  6th graders ask Ms. Witt.

Baseball Game-Home at 4:00 vs. Granite City

Softball Regionals- Away vs. Gillespie at 4:30. Girls need dismissed at 2:25