
B Day

If you are interested in writing for the Junior High newspaper, please see Mrs. Jones in the 6th grade hallway for a sign up sheet.  Our first meeting will be in Mrs. Jones’s room after school on Wednesday, September 6th.  We meet once a month after school and publish at the end of each month.  Bring your ideas for articles and topics. 

There will be an informational Junior High Student Council Meeting in the Auditorium on Wednesday, August 30th from 2:45-3:30.  If you are interested in joining Student Council, please try to attend.  You will need to have your own transportation home at 3:30.  If you are unable to attend, please stop by Mrs. Russell's Room, and pick up an informational packet no later than Friday, September 1st.  Thank you!

Cross country athletes need to be dismissed today at 2:15 for our meet in Carlinville.  Athletes, quickly change and meet in the Commons by 2:25.  We will load our bus and leave at 2:30. 

Students, this is a reminder that laptops are not to be brought to lunch or recess.

Tomorrow is House Shirt Day!! Wear your house shirt and earn house points!!

Picture Day on Thursday