
There will be an informational meeting on Thursday during advisory for 8th graders interested in running XC next year. Coming to the meeting does not mean that you are committed to running. It is just a chance to hear about the sport and ask any questions that you might have. If you are not sure about running, but curious about XC, please come to the meeting. Hope to see a lot of you there. 

Lunch detentions will be in Ms. Schaab’s room this week for any student given a lunch detention.

We will have our last Student Council Meeting Thursday after school in Mrs. Russell's Room.  It will be a short meeting, and finished by 3:15 p.m.

There will be an informational meeting this Friday May 19th during advisory in Coach Wheaton's room for any current 6th and 7th grader interested in playing JH Baseball in the Fall.  

Track Athletes and Pep Club members, Join Ms. Witt today in Ms. Turner's room to help out making posters for the track state qualifiers today. Be sure to secure a ride to pick you up at 3:30.

Track Athletes, turn in your clean uniforms in a bag marked with your name to Coach Watts or Turner by Friday. Your coaches would like to have uniform inventory done before planning the awards for the end of the year track celebration scheduled for 6pm in the commons on Tuesday.

Please check lost and found ASAP. All items left will be donated at the end of the year.