Students, as a reminder, gum is not allowed to be chewed in the building.
The following students need to be dismissed at 9:40 to the Commons to help with 5th grade orientation tours. They will return to their homeroom teacher at about 10:30. Sophia Coles, Brooke Pauley, Emmie Lewis, Katie Wideman, Keira Perjak, Bella Smith, Kaylee Hoffman, Jordyn Brown, Ellie Bickell, and Kai McClusky.
Mrs. Jones' homeroom will need to report to her room on Friday during Advisory so that they may enjoy pizza from winning the plastic bag recycling contest.
6th Grade Girls interested in basketball will be having a meeting Friday immediately after lunch in the Auditorium.
Summer Youth Passes to ride the MCT buses for free during the Summer are available in the office. Please come and get one if you are interested.
Friday is school lunch hero day. Students make sure and thank our amazing Commons ladies for all the hard work they put in making and serving you breakfast and lunch each day. You are AWESOME!!!