Congratulations to the Class Officers for the Class of 2027!
President: Elizabeth Clouse
Vice President: Daniel Welborn
Secretary: Raegan Martin
All students who turned in a petition to Mrs. Heffren will serve as representatives on the high school student council.
There will be a student council meeting today after school in Mrs. Russell's room. The meeting will be over by 3:30 p.m.
There is no game club this week.
Yearbooks will be passed out on Thursday and we will have a signing event. If you are unsure whether or not you have a yearbook send Ms. Witt an email with yearbook as the subject line. There are yearbooks available for purchase.
6th Grade Girls interested in basketball will be having a meeting Friday immediately after lunch in the Auditorium.
Summer Youth Passes to ride the MCT buses for free during the Summer are available in the office. Please come and get one if you are interested.
Your RJHS track team took home LOTS of ribbons in Edwardsville yesterday. Both 7th grade teams won 2nd place and both of your 8th grade teams are the current Madison County Champions.
1st place points in the hurdles by Elizabeth Clouse, Leah Newton and Nick Miles; in the 100 by Lilyana Cleaves, in the 1600 by Giana Stassi, in the 400 by Jamir Cornell, in the 200 by Lleyton Smay and Cleaves, in the 800 by Easton Johnston and Stassi, in the HJ by Cornell, in the Triple jump by Abi Kesler, Stassi, Malik Randol, and Leo Martin. Kaylee Hoffman won both shot and discus. And Zane Losch in shot put. 23 total wins for Roxana. Great job, athletes.
Students attending any after school activity should go immediately to the room/area of the activity following the 2:40 end of school bell. Students should arrive in the area by 2:45 and not stay in the hallways. If students are in the hallways during after school times once the activity has begun the student should have a pass no differently than during the school day.