
Yearbook Club will have lunch today at 11:00 in Mrs. Revelle's room. 

There will be a student council meeting next Tuesday, April 11th after school in Mrs. Russell's room.  The meeting will be over by 3:30.  Please plan to attend as we will be  finalizing plans for the dance and the Relay for Life.

The last newspaper meeting will be next Wednesday, April 12th after school in Mrs. Jones's room.

We are off to a great start on our American Cancer Society Fundraiser.  Keep up the good work!  We will be collecting Tuesday through Thursday of next week.  It will be exciting to see which class gets to cover the principals in silly string!

Your RJHS track teams did well yesterday against 9 teams in Jerseyville’s Invitational.  Every Athlete competing earned points for the team.  The 7th grade team placed 3rd, the boys 7th & 8th grade teams placed 2nd and the 8th grade girls reigned victorious as Jerseyville Champions 2023.