Yearbook Club will have a celebration with Cake Pops and pizza after school today as we look at our finished product. Please email Ms. Witt that you are coming. You will also need a way home at 3:30.
Students should not bring blankets to school. Please keep them at home the remainder of the school year.
Student Council is sponsoring a "Cash for a Cure" Fundraiser, starting on Monday, April 3rd. Each homeroom will be given a cash collection box, and we are asking students to consider making a donation in the collection box for the American Cancer Society. The American Cancer Society helps in trying to find a cure for cancer, as well as providing assistance to cancer patients. The fundraiser will take place on Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th, and then the following week, on Tuesday, April 11th through Thursday, April 13th. Mrs. Russell will be collecting the collection boxes each day after school and returning them to homerooms the following morning, so she can keep record of the collections, because this is a competition! The homeroom collecting the most cash will earn a chance to be part of an all school assembly. In that all school assembly, each student in the winning class will be given a can of silly string to cover both of the principals with it, while the rest of the student body gets to watch and cheer them on! Several of your student council representatives will be walking as a team in the Relay for Life at East Alton Wood River High School on Saturday, April 15th, and we will be proud to present our donations.
At Wednesday's 5 school track meet, your 4 RJHS tracks team - 7th and 8th grades boys and girls teams - walked away with a total of 561 points earning 1st place for 7th and 8th grade boys and the 8th grade girls. 7th grade took 2nd.
There are 13 events for each grade level or 52 in total. Your 4 RJHS track teams had a total of 28 wins - over half. Ask a track athlete, chances are good, they won their event. Make plans on Monday to come out and cheer them on for another round of wins. Concessions available.