Announcements 2-17-23

Tonight's concession stand workers are:  Sophia Coles, Bella Smith, Maddie Dixon, and Katie Wideman.  Please report to the concession stand at 3:30 and plan to be picked up around 6:00.  If you can't go home from 2:40-3:30, you may report to Mrs. Russell's room right after school, but bring something to work on.  Thanks!

Students, please remember that WATER is the only drink allowed in the hallways and outside of the commons. You are not allowed to have any other drink in the hallways, class or locker. 

8th grade girls - RHS Cheer Tryouts are scheduled for February 21st, 22nd and 23rd, from 3-4:30 in the commons. 

Please check the lost and found outside Ms. Shannon’s office if you have lost something. Anything not claimed by February 28th will be donated.